Dental Implants
If you are missing one or more teeth, dental implants might be the solution for restoring your smile. The popularity of the procedure is growing as more people realize what an impact getting dental implants can have on their lives.
What are dental implants?
Dental implants are metal posts that replicate the function of your tooth’s roots. On top of these artificial roots a dentist can place a dental crown or bridge in order to restore the look of a natural smile.
How much do dental implants cost?
Advancements in dental implant technology have made dental implants more affordable than ever before. The cost of the dental implant depends on many factors such as how many are being placed, where they are being placed, is there a limited amount of bone to work with, and more. After a consultation with our dentists you’ll have a better idea of what the cost will be for your specific case. Be sure to contact our dental office to book your consultation today.
What are the steps of implant placement?
The dentists at Nashua Dental Group are very committed to keeping patients informed at every step of the process. Since each patient’s situation is unique, the implant placement process can be different for each patient. Rest assured, you will never feel lost along the way as our dentists and staff will be there to explain everything beforehand and answer any questions you may have.
Streamlined dental implant placement
Here at Nashua Dental Group we have our very own periodontist which means you can get your dental implants placed in the same dental office as the one you get your dental restorations from. This ensures a smoother transition where nothing gets lost in translation between dental offices.