Custom Guards
Custom Night Guards
You may be harming your teeth in your sleep, and not even know it. Approximately 20% of adults grind, or brux, their teeth while they sleep, which can lead to jaw, face, and neck soreness, in addition to extra wear and tear on your teeth.
If you’re waking up in pain as a result of your bruxing, the talented team at Nashua Dental Group can help. We will fit you with custom night guards on your upper and lower teeth to lessen the effects of nighttime grinding, and help reposition your jaw so your TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain is a thing of the past.
Custom Snore Guards
Besides bruxism, another highly common sleep complaint for many Americans is snoring. The Nashua Dental Group team can fit you for a custom snore guard. A snore guard is a small, flexible, and easily cleaned appliance that looks like an athletic mouthpiece and can be comfortably inserted at bedtime and cleaned with a toothbrush. If your partner complains about your snoring, or you suffer from mild to moderate sleep apnea, a custom snore guard from Nashua Dental Group may be for you.
Feel free to contact us at Nashua Dental Group if you have any questions about mouth guards or to schedule a smile consultation with one of our dentists.