If you are contemplating getting dentures, then there are a lot of things that you need to know. While pricing, fit, and care instructions are all important things to keep in mind when researching dentures, one thing you may want to look into is what they are made of. This is important not only because of look, but also because what they are made of can give you clues to how long they will last and how they will wear over time.
Dentures are typically made from resin or porcelain. Porcelain is stronger, more durable, and also has the same look and feel of natural teeth. The one major drawback of porcelain dentures is that they are breakable if dropped and can wear down natural teeth if you still have natural teeth remaining in your mouth.
Acrylic resin is also a viable option and is very popular. It is also very durable and adheres more easily to the base of your dentures. They are a more affordable option that also boasts a light weight. The drawback is that they wear faster than porcelain dentures.
Talk to your dentist about the best option for your price range and your oral health needs. The key is to find a dentist who is comfortable taking you through every step of getting dentures and is happy to make the process easy for you.
Which dentures are the best for you? To find out, read this.