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Four Surprising Things That Are Ruining Your Teeth

Posted on: January 23rd, 2019 | Posted in Dental Tips

Person holding a glass of orange juice with text: '4 surprising things that damage your oral health.'

There are many things that can harm our teeth. You probably know about the general things to avoid for healthy teeth, such as sugary sodas, acidic foods, and sticky candies. But what else is wrecking our teeth that we have no clue about?

Here is a list of things that are ruining your teeth and you didn’t even realize it.

Juicing is a hot trend that many people love. While cold-pressed juices may be full of vitamins and nutrients, they are also packed with sugar and acid. This excess amount of sugar does the same thing to your enamel as if you were bathing your teeth in candy. The sugar turns into acid in our mouths and erodes our enamel.

Next time you reach for a juice, try using a straw to keep juice off the surface of your teeth.

Chewable Vitamins
Chewable vitamins may be more fun to eat and taste better than vitamins in pill form, but they are worse for your teeth. Their sticky design makes them stick in your teeth. Combine that with the sugar they contain and it is a recipe for a cavity.

It may not be as fun, but opt for your vitamins in pill form. Your teeth will thank you for it!

Barbecue Sauce
Before you reach for barbecue sauce at your next outdoor party, know that it is harming your teeth. Barbecue sauce is full of sugar, and if the sauce remains in your mouth for long enough, it could even cause discoloration, along with decay.

After your next barbecue, make sure to brush right after eating so to protect your teeth.

White Wine
Many people will tell you to steer clear of wine for the sake of your oral health, and they are right! While red wine is known for staining your teeth, the acid levels in white wine can also cause harm. The high acidity will wear away at enamel and make your teeth more likely to stain.

Next time you enjoy white wine, consider rinsing your mouth with water to neutralize acids in between sips!


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