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What to Do About Sensitive Teeth in the Winter

Posted on: February 3rd, 2021 | Posted by | Posted in Uncategorized

If your teeth have been feeling extra sensitive as of late, you aren’t alone. Unfortunately, freezing weather can, in fact, be a cause of toothaches and teeth sensitivity. Nashua is no stranger to cold weather, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to keep your smile healthy and comfortable during these winter months.

More Snow, More Fluoride
Although fluoride (which comes from the natural element fluorine) is typically added to water supplies and commercial toothpastes. your dentist may offer a fluoride treatment to provide your teeth some extra support. In addition to strengthening the enamel and preventing tooth decay, an application of fluoride can help with sensitivity by preventing dentin exposure.

Cover Up Your Root Surfaces with a “Winter Hat”
Root exposure, often a result of gum disease, may also be a cause for tooth sensitivity. If this is the case, your dentist may offer bonding agents as a solution. By using a particular sealant to cover the area that is causing you pain, your dentist can seal the surfaces and block cold weather exposure to prevent further pain.

The Grind
Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can also leave your teeth vulnerable to sensitivity. In some cases, wearing a mouthguard while sleeping could protect your teeth from sensitivity-related pressure, damage, and pain.

If you’re concerned with teeth sensitivity, don’t hesitate to ask your dentist about your options for a healthy winter smile.


0 Profile Circle | Nashua, NH 03063 | 603.880.5151

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